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In addition to energizing, motivating and calming those who see it. When someone develops a health complication it can be a stressful time for that individual and their family. During this time, it's critical to keep stress as low as possible. Healing environments such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, assisted living communities, or any other medical treatment areas (including homes!) can increase the tranquility and healing of their patients by including an aquarium exhibit as part of the healing plan.  Here are a few direct benefits:


Aquariums occupy the time. Occupied time feels shorter than unoccupied time. Patients lose track of time when their mind is occupied watching the movement and energy of an aquarium exhibit. 

Whitecoat syndrome is a phenomenon where individuals experience stress and elevated blood pressure in a clinical and/or sterile environment. Aquariums are used in medical and dental offices because they can reduce blood pressure and calm anxiety. 

According to the Journal of Clinical Nursing Research, the average cost of a fall in an elderly care home is $23,723; their study found that implementing injury prevention programs greatly reduced the risk of injury which leads to morbidity and mortality for patients along with unnecessary expenses to health care institutions. The calming effect of an aquarium reduces the restlessness that leads to falls.


A study performed by the Western Journal of Nursing Research found that by watching fish during normal eating times, Alzheimer patients became fascinated and experienced an increase in appetite and demonstrated metabolic gains in their weight.

Many healthcare organizations have included aquarium exhibits in reception areas throughout their campuses. While it may seem this inclusion is for decoration, aquarium exhibits are actually part of the philosophy of patient-centered care, creating healing environments and improved patient outcomes. 


While aquarium exhibits are a natural and beneficial element to any space, these exhibits are 

a crucial element for healing environments!

Apartment Companionship For Your Loved One
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